Fundraising Event Tip: How to make donors WANT to give to your organization

Fundraising Event Tips: How to make donors WANT to give to your Organization at your fundraising event

What would it mean to your organization if donors not only came to your fundraising event and made a donation, but also became die-hard donors who you could rely on for years to come?

I know how much the money you raise at your event means to your bottom line. It is incredibly important to your ability to keep doing the amazing work you do! Wouldn’t it be amazing if your donors not only gave, but completely and 100% bought into your mission and became the motor that moved your organization forward? Incase you were wondering, the answer to that question is HECK YES!

How to make donors give at your event?

There are several techniques to getting guests to give at your fundraising event. They may give through the auction or play your revenue-generating games, and I’ve even witnessed guests be guilted and bullied into giving to an organization.

One of the best tools your organization has at your fundraising event is the Fund-A-Need (cash auction, paddle raise, giving moment, ask for donations, whatever you want to call it). The question I get all the time from nonprofits is “how do I get people to give during my fund-a-need?” And can you blame them? You may be asking the same question right now.

So I took the tools I have personally used to help my clients consistently have record-breaking fundraisers, and put it into my 3 part Fund-A-Need Framework for you (ABSOLUTELY FREE).

What will the Fund-A-Need Framework do for you?

You will learn to craft your nonprofit’s story in a way that will engage and empower donors.

You will learn how to use your event to turn casual attenders into die-hard, long term donors.

You will learn the 3 steps I ask my clients to integrate into their events that will prepare their hearts and minds to become financial partners before I even conduct the ask for donations.

If you are ready to set your Fund-A-Need up for success, download your FREE Fund-A-Need Framework here:


Wine Pull: A revenue generating game for fundraising events


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